Monday, May 9, 2011

Add some flavors

Hi. I'm Matt. As you've heard, Tino has decided to be a baller and let me post some music on the most superiorest of blogs, so I'm gonna start off with some excellent chill-out songs.

Freelance Whales is a band I stumbled upon (without the help of stumbleupon, oddly) that has a beautiful, mostly acoustic sound using an variety of interesting instruments (alliteration!) that effectively create a hypnotizing overflow of sound. Good stuff.
"Generator 1st Floor" is one of those subdued acoustic songs that will swallow you whole. The instruments work together in undulating harmony, but the vocals of this particular song really grab at me. Their throaty expressions remind me of the avant-garde jazz movement's emulation of raw emotion, though the sentiments of the Freelance Whales music are nowhere near as jarring. This link is a live version of the song, which I personally prefer but isn't the exact same as the album track.

"Generator 2nd Floor" is a more upbeat song, a good follow up to "1st Floor" because it gently pulls you back out of the mental stupor that can come from listening to the latter and lifts you up to a more energetic mood.

When I played "1st Floor" for Kyle, he mentioned that it reminded him of "Wake Up" from Arcade Fire's album Funeral. Which led me to listen to this awesome album. It's one of the best albums as a whole that I've ever heard. Think of something Pink Floyd would turn out in terms of coherence between tracks. Here is a link for the album as a playlist on youtube; if you want to just hear "Wake Up", it's track 7, but I seriously recommend listening to the whole album, in one sitting if possible (it's only 47min55sec).

Tino, what a man.

1 comment:

  1. *blushing*
    flattered my good sir.
    also, impressed to see you incorporated the coding. sooo 1337
