Friday, May 6, 2011

Daily Post #5

Some mellow electronica coming your way. It won't make you happy, just a warning.

Tron : Legacy was the worlds longest music video. The movie itself? Meh. The soundtrack? I thought it was excellent. It was very different from Daft Punk's other music, but that may have been due to the darkness of the movie itself. If the whole plot takes place in a world of black with lines of light, the music is bound to follow the same path. Tron Legacy : R3CONFIGUR3D was a bit of a disappointed as well. I expected much better remixes in an album that used 3's for E's. However, this next song was one that I particularly liked.

Daft Punk - Adagio For Tron (Teddybears Remix)

Every once in a while, you'll come across a song that puts you into a literal trance, where your thoughts start disappearing and your subconscious takes you on a pretty weird ride. Listen to them while you sleep and you will wake up going "WTF JUST HAPPENED" These include Highlander by The Cosmic Traveler (shoutout to Russell for introducing me to it's glory) and Space Mountain by Fuck Buttons. And now there's this: an extremely trippy, creepy, eerie, peculiarly named piece of awesome by Deadmau5.

Deadmau5 - HR 8938 Cephei

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