Wednesday, May 4, 2011

Daily Post #3

Woot. 3 times in a row.

I'm really just trying to catch up on new stuff now so that I can have some space to get you guys all of the songs that have been out in the past couple of months that I want to share. (These past two months have been AMAZING)

Got some heavy dub for you first off. It's not an original track, but then again most dubstep/electro isn't. Pretty heavy stuff, so if you have pity for your ears I would not play this as it's meant to be played, with the volume up until the bass gives your diaphragm a massage.

Chase & Status ft. Delilah - Time (Rocket Pimp Remix)

Next is some drum and dub... I can't really call it drum and bass because it's has too much dubstep in it, but I can't call it dubstep because its beat is too similar to drum and bass. Sounds a lot like something pendulum would put out.

Al Bizzare - Fresh Scream

Finally, SHM (Swedish House Mafia for those who don't like acronyms) has come out with a new track semi-recently. Like all of their (few, unfortunately) songs, it's quite good, although not quite "One" or "Ibiza" caliber. Also, there's a pause in the middle that sounds like the song is done for; it's not. Some nice vocals, too.

Swedish House Mafia ft. John Martin - Save The World

Out of the last 8 song's I've posted, 6 are original mixes. Suck on that Matt. :-)

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